

*Nate makes his way into TJY making it in good time. Maggie had been in bed for about an hour and Jane was in the back apartment doing her own thing. Making his way swiftly across the floor he gives a small nod to Hal and enters the infermary. Going over to Scott he just looks down at his friend for a moment not sure what was going on but hoping everything was ok. Letting out a long sigh Nate pulls up a chair and just sits. Waiting for Rick's return.*

*For a moment Katie just looks at Austin not even hearing Rick. Jason's emotions were feeding her and she was feeding Austin. She was so angry for what he did to there friend.*

"I think its funny how you think we should listen to you Austin when you didnt even listen to Scott. I bet he begged, and pleaded for you to stop as you ripped open his mind and scars again."

*Katie could feel her ownself growing weak. Pushing her emotions twords Austin drew on her own energy and than Jason, he was starting to pull his emotions away. Trying to grasp on to them as she still focuses on Austin Katie can feel them slipping away. Finally not being able to hold on any longer Katie shuts her emotions down from Austin and she turns her back to him. The anger that was in her eyes, the fire had now turns to tears as a few escaped her eyes.*

"I'm going back to Scott."

*Moving past Jason and Rick Katie heads for the door. She still had anger, and she still wanted justice but her body was just to weak at the moment.

Sorry J. I guess I went overbored.*

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