

Following Axel out Jess can't help but be a little saprised at the mention of a gift. Than seeing the rainbow air freshiner she cant help that her lips curl up into a smile. He's though about what she said and was not giving her a gift Jess thought that was sweet.

Taking the rainbow from Axel Jess catches his eye for a moment.

"Now when your around to talk to I can see a double rainbow."

Turning Jess gets into her car and starts it up. Taking a moment to hang the gift on her mirror.

Following Axel as he drove the roads Jess' him had time to wonder thinking about many differnt things. Her head was staring to hurt less now, and she didnt quit feel as crappy though the events of what happend with Carson still loomed and weaghed heavy on her mind. It was hard not to think about it.

Finally reaching the restront Jess pulls her car next to Axel's truck and gets out walking over to join him.

"It purrs like a kitten. I think its running better than it was the day I first for it."

Jess offers a smile as she turns to head inside some of her nerves diminishing.

Aerith looks back at Wyatt with an innocent look.

"But if I don't move than you wont go. I miss seeing you as much as before when you could come and go as you pleased."

Aerith lets out a small sigh and than slowly slides from the booth. Reacing out as Wyatt makes his way out she wraps her arms around him in a hug.

"I think we should go on a date tonight."

Watching Wyatt and Aerith for a moment Katie smiles. It was nice to see Wyatt happy, through the hands of fate they themself had there ups and down but to be friends with him still was nice, and to now see him really happy was even better.

Turning her attachen back to Jason and his question Katie gives a little nod.

Yeah maybe watching the house for tonight would be a good idea. Just to make sure he is ok. I think maybe we should bring him something to eat now too. What do you think? I am sure he dosnt have any food or drink at his place.

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