
Card game

Jason can feel the tension in the flow of emotions and knows that Katie is growing angrier, just as he was. He can feel his own emotions being bottle-necked as she shut herself partway down so as not to affect Scott, but he keeps himself steady.

Talk about burning up... I knew he wasn't the good ol' boy he claimed to me... he's been trying to get me in his good graces for months and...

Jason suddenly remembers that he'd never told Katie about that.

...long story. Bottom line - Austin's a jerk and a coward. This was the last straw for me. Him and me... we're through.

Scott starts to shake again as another tear surfaces, his mind and emotions being overtaken by pictures of when he was captive. He felt as though he were in a nightmare, unable to wake, and his fear was so great, it was starting to make him feel like he was going to be sick.

"You can't," he manages quietly. "It's... it won't leave me alone.... I can't.... I can't shut it out..."

Jason's jaw tightens and he stands up. He gives Scott's shoulder a gentle pat. He knew exactly how it felt and more. "Hang in there, buddy. It'll be alright." Turning, he heads to the phone.

Sometimes I wish I could talk to other people like you... Sure would help out the phone bills.

Jason picks up the receiver and quickly dials Rick's number.

"Aw man!" Rick throws down his cards on the dining room table, having lost another round. He smirks with humor across at Maggie. "Do you realize you've beat me three times in a row now?"

He collects the cards and starts to pass them to Nate, but then stops and hands them to Janet instead. "I think it's your turn to deal."

The ringing phone makes him jump. "Alright. I'll answer that, but nobody stack the cards!" Getting up, a smile spreads on his face and he grabs the phone in the living room. "Yeah, hello."


"Jase? What's up?"

"I'm with Scott. He um... he's having a tough time settling down. Thought you should come see him."

"I gave him something to sleep," Rick muses.

"Yeah well... I'll tell you what happened later."

"Alright. Is he bad?"

"It's not good. He's in the middle of a nightmare and just can't calm down. He needs to get some rest before he makes himself sick."

Rick nods. "Okay. Give me fifteen minutes." He hangs up and goes back to the small group, leaning down to give his wife a kiss on the forehead. "Sorry, but duty calls. You three have fun, and I'll be back in a while."

He gives Janet's shoulder a squeeze. "I don't know if I'll be late or not." Looking over to Nate, he gives a little nod, signaling that it was TJY related, then heads for the door.

Jason hangs up and turns back to Katie and Scott, feeling helpless. "Rick's on his way." He paces the floor, trying to decide what to do.

I wanna march down to wherever Austin is and knock his block off... But I'm not leaving Scott until I know he's safe. The nerve... the gall! One of our own....

It seems like forever, but Rick finally comes, pushing open the door to the infirmary. Seeing Jason, then Katie, his eyes fill with questions, but he goes to Scott without waiting for answers. "Hey, Scott, you don't look so hot."

Scott shakes his head, having returned to hiding his face in his knees.

Rick sighs deeply and goes to prepare a needle. He didn't like sedating anyone, but in this case, maybe it was best. "You two gonna tell me what's going on?" he asks quietly.

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