

*As Scott turns to leave a ping hits home for Dalton. He'd been around long enough and even in the field before to know stuff like this happend, and people got hurt. It was just the way it went in a job like this. But with Scott something was differnt, there was a sadness there in Dalton's heart that didnt happen to often. Looking down at his computer Dalton pauses for a moment before looking up again. Trying to keep his voice low though it was deep and grough normaly Dalton calls again to Scott. *

"Hey Scott. Humm...I know your still healing and everything but I was having a problem with this program here...."

*Dalton hits a few keys on his keybored to make it look more of a mess than it really was. Truth be told he new the program like the back of his hand but something...something made him want to have Scott's help.*

"...and I was wondering if by any chanse you could take a look at it for me and maybe show me what I was doing wrong. They tell me yours the best and I'd like to have the best show the best."

*Returning Jason's hug Katie just burrys her face in Jason's check for a moment. His feelings being revealed to her. It pain her to know that Jason was more upset about this than he liked to addmit and Katie wished she could make it all ok, but something told her change was in the wind and this was only going to get worse before it was better. Were they prepaired for this, maybe not but at least they had eachother to pull though it. Katie only hoped that the will of someone higher than even Carter himself had his hands wraped around TJY and everyones that layed inside it.

As Jason pulls away Katie just stairs up at him looking deep into his eyes. The eyes that held so much mystory, so much more than any normal person could see. The eyes that had captured Katie from the first time she met him.

Ok, we go see Brown maybe spend some time finding a new meaning to life other than work work work and than we can come back and see Scott. Maybe we can even find something to bring him. He needs to smile and shatter the gloom on his soul.

Giving a playful grin Katie grabs her eyes and hopes into her car starting it and than backing out and out of the parking lot speeding down the highway as if a challange to Jason. In no time flat Katie and Jason are at the station and making there way inside. Looking at Jason she gives a small smerk to his comment.*

"Austin can try to ban us from where ever he like but this is Americe and its a free country."

*Giving Jason's hand gentil squeeze Kaite enters and smiles as they are greeted. Giving a friendly smile Katie walks to the counter.*

"Morning. If Officer Brown in and if so can you tell him Katie Pent and Jason Stevenson are here to speak with him?!"

*Seeing the worry in Clint's eyes strikes a nearve that makes Wendy wish she didnt have to tell Clint anything. It only makes her wish that they had both been more carfel and smarter. Clint's worry only made her worry more but try as she must she holds her smile to reasure him he did nothing wrong.*

"Fast food and the park sounds good."

*Giving a thoughtful nod as his last question Wends stands a little strater walking twords Clint. Reaching out she takes his hand and brings it to her face to feel his skin aganst hers not caring that grease remained on them. Just holding it there for a second Wendy lets out a sigh.*

"Yeah everything is ok, I think. I'll see you at lunch hun."

*Leting go Wendy moves past Clint and into the office shuting the door behind her. Moving slowly over to her chair Wendy sits down at her desk and just rests her head in her hands for a moment as a few tears show themself. Why, why she let this happen. She only hoped God would have mercy on her now and let everything turn out ok.

Finally lifting herself up again Wendy gets to work on the paper work she had to look over an file. Moving just a little bit slower today Wendy trys to stay on tast though it was hard. Her mind always going back to what would be said at lunch and what was the best way to say it.*

Time once again time takes its toll. Moving slow for some as they wait for someone to come along and help them out...

*Kicking the wheel of her tire Jess lets out a long sigh. Why had she taken a new road she didnt know about, why had her car decied now it was going to act up and die on her. She was going to be late for work, she had no one to call because her cell phone was dead, and she was straned out in the middle of no where.*

"Why...why you stupid peace of junk."

*Leaning her back up again the car it lets out a low hiss as though it didnt like to much what Jess said. Giving a small jump Jess just rolls her eyes. The only thing she could really do was sit, and wait hoping someone would come along and help. Letting out another sigh Jess hopes up on the hood of the car and just sits, twirling her dead cell phone in her hand as she staired off into the horizon every tick of the clock seeming to take hours.*

...The time never being the same from on person to the next. Holding what seems like a weight over the shoulders of those who think time passed to quickly...

*Looking across the park bench at Clint Wendy trys her best to not let her nerves show through. Lunch had come to past and what seemed like 15 minutes had been 4 hours. She wasnt prepared to break the news to Clint and she still was not sure how.

Taking a small bite of her double cheese burger Wendy puts it down again. Her stomach was screaming for food, but her nerves kept her from eating. Picking up her napkin she starts to play with it nervously as she tairs it into little peaces her eyes not meeting Clint's.*

"I just want to tell you that you didnt do anything wrong if thats what your thinking...well not you alone anyways and...I'm not to sure how to say this. I was thinking about it all morning running words, sentinces everything through my mind and now...now it just don't seem like the right thing to say..."

*Wendy's voice quivers for a moment as she sucks in a breath trying to regain controll of her emotions.*

"...you know I care about you alot Clint and thats why I had to tell you among other reasons. Where we go from this point I am not sure, but I would hope you would stay."

*Closing her eyes the words almost get stuck in her throat but she forces them out anyways know she has to.*

"Clint, I'm pregnant."

...and though for a moment time seems to stand still as life, heart, words shatter. Emotions going one way and the next for all. Time was enemy once again.

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