

Jason makes room for Katie to kneel next to him by Scott.
It’ll be okay, Katie…I know you can do this…you can calm him down better than anyone else can.

Watching and hoping, he hides a distant feeling that he didn’t know would exist, and pays no mind to it. Not now.

He just sits, listens and hopes.

Scott manages to make out a blurred figure before him, but flinches under her touch. Except for Riggs, no one else had been kind. No one else had been gentle. He didn’t trust anyone else.

But that voice…that soothing voice…he knew that… but…could it be?

Swallowing hard, Scott shifts a little so he’s propped up against the wall instead of lying on the floor. With his one good eye, he squints. Fear courses through him, as rampant as the pain he’d been experiencing. Reality seemed far away…that voice seemed to muddle together in a foggy tone too far out of reach. But… he recognized it.

Then slowly, his emotions begin to calm. Instead of his fear controlling him, a calmness seemed to be summoned from within, to overcome that which made him quake. It didn’t make sense… he should be scared… but..

He glances down as Katie runs her fingers over his hand. It hurt. His hand was sore. But that touch…so soft…so warm.

“Katie?” Tears fill his eyes. Was he dreaming? Could this be? He’d known for sure that he would die here in this cell. He’d known for sure that his friends were dead. This couldn't be real...he had to be hallucinating again. But...it was so real..

Timidly and slowly, Scott raises his arm and reaches out an icy hand, touching the side of Katie's face. "You're not...dead."

Jason lets out the breath he'd been holding.
Good job, Hero...he's calming down. He knows you.
"We're not dead, Scott...and neither are you. We're here to get you out."

"Jason?" Scott glances towards him.

"Yeah." Jason smiles. "It's me. And Nate too."

All at once, Scott realizes that this is indeed real. All of his hope had been completely lost, and suddenly it was back in full force. He was weak. He was sick. He was hurt. But he had to clear his mind... he had to. "Is he married yet?"

Jason can't help his laugh, remembering Scott's final words to Nate. "No...not yet. Think you can get up and get out of here?"

Scott tries to sit up, but sinks back to the wall, wincing. He shakes his head numbly.

"Oh yes you can." Jason nods for Nate to help him get Scott up. "We're getting out of here."

With just a bit of trouble, Jason and Nate are able to get Scott to his feet, though he hangs limply between them, barely able to keep his arms over their shoulders.

Katie, keep talking to him. He's about ready to pass out again.

Riggs is already to the door, making sure the coast is clear. "Come on. I'll take you around the other way to avoid seeing anyone."

The four start to follow him, Jason hoping that they were doing the right thing by following this man. They had to trust him. It was their only hope.

The walk is hard, Scott often stumbling, needing extra help. They don't encounter anyone else on their way, but come close, though Riggs keeps to his word, not allowing them to be seen.

And finally...finally they reach the door where they had entered in.

Riggs holds it open for them. "Hurry. Go. Leave before they get a chance to notice he's gone."

The team starts forward, but Jason turns once. "Why don't you come with us?"

Sorrow fills Riggs' eyes. "I can't. Just go...and be safe."

Jason wants to argue. He didnt' understand Riggs...but there was something there...there was good...no matter if he was working for the Agency or not. "Alright." He looks to Katie and Nate. "Let's go, and make it fast. Misty...be ready. Scott will need immediate care."

As the team makes their trek up the small hill back into the woods, gunfire is suddenly heard. Jason is instantly brought down, a sickening pain shooting up his leg.
Scott tumbles from the lack of support, unable to pick himself back up.

Katie, get on Scott's side NOW and help Nate. MOVE!

Jason bites his teeth against the pain and draws his gun, turning around to see three armed men running after them with rifles. He doesn't think twice, and simply fires. Getting to his feet, he's right behind the other three, covering them as they take cover under the trees.

"Reese! Start the van! They're after us. We've got to run!"

Reese hears the gunfire, sees the movement and hears Jason. Immediately he starts the van. "Dalton, get the door. Wyatt, get out and cover them. Misty, prep the back!"

The team makes it to the van just as Wyatt gets out and takes out the two remaining guards...Jason had already hit the third. "Get in! There's more coming!"

The next few minutes seem to be a blur. There's talking, shouting, doors, and finally tires spinning as Reese hits the gas pedal.

Scott is laid in the back with Misty, cold and wet from the outside, shaking again from the cold. Jason leans over the backseat. "He's got a fever....the guy said he'd been drugged... that's all I know. I don't think any bones are broken. He was lucid just long enough for us to get him out."

Looking down, he shifts to sit in the seat, peeling off the "borrowed" jumpsuit and reaching down to touch his leg.
Katie, get me a bandage. I'm bleeding pretty bad here. Don't tell Misty yet. Let her take care of Scott.

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