
Good Work

* As Katie hears about Austin and Carter blowing off the fact that Scott could be alive a anger suddenly flairs up inside her and for a moment become uncontrollable as her mind moves from one thing to the next.

How could they not care? How could they just blow off the fact that Scott is alive and do nothing? How could they be so heartless!

Katie's anger continues as she stairs at the ground. Than as if relizing what she was doing Katie look up and around the room like putting a lid on a boiling pot Katie shuts out her anger and trys to calm herself.*

*Nate stands listing to Reese. This sounded risky but if they did in fact end up getting Scott out it would be well worth it. Shifting a little Nate's irratation grows suddinly. Finding Scott and bring him home was well worth it, even if it did cost his job. Than like a light switch Nate irratation was gone. Looking to Katie for a moment A suddin sadness enters Nate's heart. Katie had been through so much. They all had and now there was time for more.

Standing Nate heads out of Reese office and out of TJY. He needed to have Janit watch Maggie for him, He needed to get his stuff together and head back. Would this work? It had to.*

*Giving a push off the wall Dalton exits the office a strange uncomfortable feeling washing over him but as quick as it comes its gone once again. Heading down to his office he enters and goes through a few things. If they were going to go tonight they would need to bring a few things with them and he had to set them up to make sure they worked.*

*Standing Katie finally exits Reese office. She needed to head home and take a shower and pack a few things. Exiting TJY and getting into her car Katie lets out a sigh. Where they doing the right thing? They had to be...they couldnt just let Scott there they had to go and get him out.

I don't know J. To me it feels right. I don't think I could live with myself knowing I left someone to die at the hands on the Agency. Like I said along time ago I would rather die trying, than to stand back and live knowing I did nothing.

Katie lets out a long sigh as she pulls out of the TJY parking lot and heads down the road. Everything would work out it had too.*

*Listing to Carson for a moment longer Herb searchs his face for the truth in what he said. Seeing the sensarity in his eyes for now Herb is satisfied even though he could feel there was more behind this. For now he would let it go again.*

"Ok, well if you need any help let me know. Thats what I am here for Carson. I want to help you when you need it. You just have to ask first."

*Giving a small smile Herb looks to the pizza Carson was doing up and nods.*

"Your getting pretty good at that. Keep up the good work."

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